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About Guimaraes

Guimarães is located in the North-west of Portugal.

This city played an important role as the major municipality during the time of the Condado Portucalense, the name given to the feudal lands between the Lima and Ave Rivers under the rule of the Kings of León (Spain) (source). In the Battle of São Mamede, Dom Afonso Henriques gain the independence for the Condado Portucalense, founding the Portuguese Nation.

In 2001, the Historic Centre of Guimarães was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. The city is recognized by its beauty and historical monuments.

As the first capital of Portugal, Guimarães is known as the place where the country was born - "The Cradle City" or "Birthplace City".


Oliveira Plaza Salado Monument Old Town Council Chambers Oliveira Plaza S. Tiago Plaza Oliveira Plaza Salado Monument at Oliveira Plaza Inside Oliveira church Alberto Sampaio Museum S. Gualter church and garden Toural Plaza Palace of the Dukes of Bragança Guimarães castle Guimarães castle City walls Vila Flor Cultural Centre

More information about the city can be found at: